Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nolan's 1st Dino-mite Birthday Party!!!

On May 19th, I was asked to take the pictures for Nolan's 1st birthday party. Everyone seemed to have an awesome time and the young boys had so much fun together. Here are some pictures from the party.

Getting ready for my 1st birthday cake!!
Having to be restrained so he wouldn't grab the candle. Nolan loved having everyone sing to him.

Opening presents with my daddy there to help.
Making sure he reads all the card and knows who the gift is from. Too funny!!!
Sweet cousings helping Nolan open his presents. These little boys were so cute together.
Nolan with his mom, dad and sister, Chloe after opening the presents.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Nolan's 1st Birthday photo shoot.

On Sunday, May 6th I spent some time with this sweet boy taking some pictures to celebrate his upcoming 1st birthday. His mom was super prepared with cupcakes and a #1 candle, some colorful balls, and dinosaur figurines. We had a good time capturing this moment in Downtown Asheboro.
In Asheboro there is a train mural on the side of a building. We put Nolan on this train track and got some pictures. He is such a happy boy.

Not quite sure if this man is real or what? He was funny checking this man out.
What a fun morning spent with Nolan. He did a great job.

Haven's 1st Birthday Party

On Saturday, May 5th I took pictures for a sweet family. Their little girl was celebrating her 1st birthday. Dana and her husband, Jason, used the owl theme for Haven's party. Dana told me that Haven used to make this noise when she was an infant that sounded like an owl. So, they started calling her their little owl. It was only appropriate to use the owl to decorate with and celebrate this first year of her life. Here are a few pictures from the day.
The garden flag outside Dana and Jason's home
Sweet Haven outside taking some pictures in her pretty birthday dress.
Owl cake that a local bakery did.
Haven's 1st experience with sweets. I think she liked it.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Easter pictures on the farm

The Saturday before Easter I was able to head down to my parent's home and take a few pictures of my neice and nephews on the farm. I was quite pleased with how they behaved and how the pictures turned out.
We staged an Easter egg hunt for the kids. Brantley enjoyed picking up the eggs, but would drop them while walking around the yard. He would look in his empty basket and have this confused look.
Chloe was not being a willing participate of the photo event. All she wanted to do was play with her Elmo. This picture was a result of taking Elmo away from her. She's just like her mom...Stubborn.
Such an adorable photo of 2 cousins playing with a baby chick. They were hillarious to watch.
Brantley loved the baby chicks as you can see from the next 2 pictures.
Nolan didn't mind them; he just wanted to look at them from a distance. I was amazed we were able to get the chick to sit on the arm of the chair for so long.